Thursday, July 29, 2010

This Weeks Post

So sorry everyone!  Having technical difficulties with my computer due to a storm!  G man is on the job and I should have the computer back this weekend, but this weeks post will not be posted until then.  So sorry for the problem!


Anonymous said...

Is this week going to be skipped? I read your post on Beth's Diary but am still waiting on posts for Sometimes and this one. I cant wait to see how the story unfolds...I am loving it so far!

Hope said...

Hi Anonymous!

Here's the scoop. The weather caused a problem with my PC, which has the stories on it. Some of the stories are on my flash drive, Beth's Diary being one of them. Sometimes I have on CD so that will post tomorrow as usual. WOS is only on my PC (which will soon be changed). I am not getting my PC back until this weekend, so there will NOT be a post this Friday. I will get the post up next week though. I hate this happening, but sometimes it is just beyond our control. But rest assured, everything will soon be back on track!

Cassie and Georgio's adventure will be continuing soon and you'll want to keep reading because a lot will be happening soon, I promise!

Anonymous said...

OK cool. I totally understand that things are out of your control. I love all your blogs and I will check back next week. I am so excited...

Anonymous said...

New post this week?

Bkmel said...

Goin thru withdrawals missing my wishing on a star fix boo hoo but i will wait for it cuz its soooo good

Hope said...

Hi Everyone!

We have good news and bad news. The good news is that WOS will definitely be back. I got my computer back last Sunday night, and it's working great. The bad news is that Chapter 11 is mostly gone, so I am re-writing it. I don't know that I will have it done by Friday, but I'm trying. As soon as we get it up we will return to our normal schedule!

So sorry for the delays, while I love technology in some aspects, in others, well...

Thanks for all your patience!

Anonymous said...

as much as i love this blog i'm begining to get frustrated and i don't think i'll be following it anymore. Sorry good luck with it